Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hiking the Na Pali Coast

Tl;dr: Polyphasic has many pros, but our extended hiking/camping trip was only made possible by switching to monophasic until our "return to civilization." and doing so, did not have any adverse side affects!
Like any good hiking/camping trip, it all actually began days before we left the house, this time though, the weekend that we would normally pack prior to a week-long trip was compromised due to several social events and Mensa activities/duties, but that's where my polyphasic sleep schedule came to the rescue.

All packed into the last few days before we left, we had scheduled a mini D&D campaign for two players, games night on the other side of the island on Friday, a movie night at our place with 13 RSVPs on Saturday, then the grocery shopping and cleaning required before and after each event, plus packing all before an early flight on Sunday.

Waking up after the events were over and several hours before the early flight enabled us to easily finish our final errands in preparation for the trip. However, napping on the narrow, cliff side trails or in the mosquito infested jungles was out of the question. Also, our uncharged phone batteries were too important to waste on alarm clocks, so I decided to skip napping altogether and temporarily return to a monophasic schedule for awhile.

Here's how the trip went in regards to my sleep schedule (highlighted in maroon):
Saturday - 12:00am: Do silent chores like Mensa planning on the computer, etc, and begin gathering all the camping supplies, clothes, and non-perishable food into one area with the backpacks/luggage. I realized that the movie night would interrupt my normal 8:30pm bedtime, but that's okay because polyphasic is more flexible than I you would believe, so I adjust my nap times by 30 mins each.
Saturday - 4:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 4:20am: Do more silent chores including answering emails, etc. Begin cleaning the house for the movie night in the evening, and ensure that we have all the ingredients required for making homemade salsa and pizzas.
Saturday - 8:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 8:20am: Continue cleaning, prepare breakfast, start laundry, begin packing the camping gear into the packs, ensure that the technology is working for the movie, go to the grocery store to get the missing ingredients
Saturday - 1:30pm: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 1:50pm: Eat lunch, make the salsa, prepare the pizza ingredients, finish cleaning, rearrange the furniture, make the pizzas...
Saturday - 5:00pm: Movie night! Then clean up, take out trash, do dishes, etc.
Saturday - 10:00pm: Core Sleep (3.5 hrs)
Sunday - 1:30am: Finish packing clothes, food, and luggage. Drop off the animals with their care-takers.
Sunday - 5:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Sunday - 5:20am: Seal up the house. Leave for the airport
Sunday - 8:40am: Nap (20 mins) My last polyphasic nap for awhile, Kirsten posted a pic of me snoozing at the airport
Sunday - 9:00am: Travel by plane and car to the trail head.
Sunday - 11:30am: Begin 4 day hike. Napping on the narrow, cliff side trails or in the mosquito infested jungles was out of the question. Also, our phones batteries were too important to waste on alarm clocks, so I forgo napping altogether
Sunday - 3:45pm: Arrive at 6 mile campsite, set up camp, forage fruit and replenish water with boiled spring water, eat supper
Sunday - 8:30pm: Monophasic sleep (12 hours, wow!) Polyphasic already had my body attuned to responding to early evening sleep pressure, so given the chance, I was out like a light!
Monday - 8:30am: Stretch, breakfast, explore/adventure, pack up
Monday - 11:30am: Continue hiking
Monday - 4:30pm: Arrive at 11.5 mile campsite, set up camp, forage fire wood, bathe in the twin waterfalls, cook dinner, eat it on the beach while watching the sunset :), meet other hikers
Monday - 10:30pm: Monophasic sleep (9 hours)
Tuesday - 7:30am: Clean up camp, begin return hike, skip 6 mile camp grounds
Tuesday - 6:45pm: Arrive at the 2 mile beach, set up tent in the dark, rinse off in the river, eat
Tuesday - 9:30pm: Monophasic sleep (9 hours)
Wednesday - 6:30am: Clean up camp, explore area, finish hike
Wednesday - 12:00pm: Nap on the beach (20 mins)
Wednesday - 12:20pm: lunch, swim, carpool to Anini campgrounds
Wednesday - 8:30pm: core sleep (3.5 hours)
Thursday - 12:00am: wake up, stretch, snack. Off the trail, I would be able to safely take naps, however our phones/alarms are not yet charged, so I decided to stick to a monophasic-esque schedule, even though my body was trying to wake me up at regular intervals
Thursday - 12:40am: Extended nap (1 hr)
Thursday - 1:40am: wake up
Thursday - 2:00am: extended nap (3.5 hours)
Thursday - 5:30am: public transportation, grocery shopping
Thursday - 12:00pm: Nap (20 mins)
Thursday - 12:20pm: lunch, rent car, return to campsite
Thursday - 8:30pm: Core sleep (3.5hours)
Friday - 12:00am: wake up, stretch, snack
Friday - 12:40am: Extended nap (1 hr)
Friday - 1:40am: wake up
Friday - 2:00am: Extended nap (3.5 hours)
Friday - 5:30am: catch up with facebook, email, coordinate dinner plans and testing venues, check into hotel
Friday - 1:00pm: Nap (20 mins)
Friday - 1:20pm: unpack, relax, swim, eat, visit with friends
Friday - 7:00pm: Meet local Mensans for dinner
Friday - 9:30pm: Core sleep (3.5 hours)
Friday - 1:00am: wake... etc.
Friday - 3:30am: Nap (20 mins) With a set schedule and reliable alarms, I have finally returned to my polyphasic schedule from here out.

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