I have decided to try out a polyphasic sleep regimen. After a few days of research, most advice seems to point beginners to some version of the Everyman 3 schedule as it seems the most forgiving and sustainable. My wife and I are giving it a serious try and will be using this blog to monitor and report on our status.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Hiking the Na Pali Coast
Like any good hiking/camping trip, it all actually began days before we left the house, this time though, the weekend that we would normally pack prior to a week-long trip was compromised due to several social events and Mensa activities/duties, but that's where my polyphasic sleep schedule came to the rescue.
All packed into the last few days before we left, we had scheduled a mini D&D campaign for two players, games night on the other side of the island on Friday, a movie night at our place with 13 RSVPs on Saturday, then the grocery shopping and cleaning required before and after each event, plus packing all before an early flight on Sunday.
Waking up after the events were over and several hours before the early flight enabled us to easily finish our final errands in preparation for the trip. However, napping on the narrow, cliff side trails or in the mosquito infested jungles was out of the question. Also, our uncharged phone batteries were too important to waste on alarm clocks, so I decided to skip napping altogether and temporarily return to a monophasic schedule for awhile.
Here's how the trip went in regards to my sleep schedule (highlighted in maroon):
Saturday - 12:00am: Do silent chores like Mensa planning on the computer, etc, and begin gathering all the camping supplies, clothes, and non-perishable food into one area with the backpacks/luggage. I realized that the movie night would interrupt my normal 8:30pm bedtime, but that's okay because polyphasic is more flexible than I you would believe, so I adjust my nap times by 30 mins each.
Saturday - 4:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 4:20am: Do more silent chores including answering emails, etc. Begin cleaning the house for the movie night in the evening, and ensure that we have all the ingredients required for making homemade salsa and pizzas.
Saturday - 8:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 8:20am: Continue cleaning, prepare breakfast, start laundry, begin packing the camping gear into the packs, ensure that the technology is working for the movie, go to the grocery store to get the missing ingredients
Saturday - 1:30pm: Nap (20 mins)
Saturday - 1:50pm: Eat lunch, make the salsa, prepare the pizza ingredients, finish cleaning, rearrange the furniture, make the pizzas...
Saturday - 5:00pm: Movie night! Then clean up, take out trash, do dishes, etc.
Saturday - 10:00pm: Core Sleep (3.5 hrs)
Sunday - 1:30am: Finish packing clothes, food, and luggage. Drop off the animals with their care-takers.
Sunday - 5:00am: Nap (20 mins)
Sunday - 5:20am: Seal up the house. Leave for the airport
Sunday - 8:40am: Nap (20 mins) My last polyphasic nap for awhile, Kirsten posted a pic of me snoozing at the airport
Sunday - 9:00am: Travel by plane and car to the trail head.
Sunday - 11:30am: Begin 4 day hike. Napping on the narrow, cliff side trails or in the mosquito infested jungles was out of the question. Also, our phones batteries were too important to waste on alarm clocks, so I forgo napping altogether
Sunday - 3:45pm: Arrive at 6 mile campsite, set up camp, forage fruit and replenish water with boiled spring water, eat supper
Sunday - 8:30pm: Monophasic sleep (12 hours, wow!) Polyphasic already had my body attuned to responding to early evening sleep pressure, so given the chance, I was out like a light!
Monday - 8:30am: Stretch, breakfast, explore/adventure, pack up
Monday - 11:30am: Continue hiking
Monday - 4:30pm: Arrive at 11.5 mile campsite, set up camp, forage fire wood, bathe in the twin waterfalls, cook dinner, eat it on the beach while watching the sunset :), meet other hikers
Monday - 10:30pm: Monophasic sleep (9 hours)
Tuesday - 7:30am: Clean up camp, begin return hike, skip 6 mile camp grounds
Tuesday - 6:45pm: Arrive at the 2 mile beach, set up tent in the dark, rinse off in the river, eat
Tuesday - 9:30pm: Monophasic sleep (9 hours)
Wednesday - 6:30am: Clean up camp, explore area, finish hike
Wednesday - 12:00pm: Nap on the beach (20 mins)
Wednesday - 12:20pm: lunch, swim, carpool to Anini campgrounds
Wednesday - 8:30pm: core sleep (3.5 hours)
Thursday - 12:00am: wake up, stretch, snack. Off the trail, I would be able to safely take naps, however our phones/alarms are not yet charged, so I decided to stick to a monophasic-esque schedule, even though my body was trying to wake me up at regular intervals
Thursday - 12:40am: Extended nap (1 hr)
Thursday - 1:40am: wake up
Thursday - 2:00am: extended nap (3.5 hours)
Thursday - 5:30am: public transportation, grocery shopping
Thursday - 12:00pm: Nap (20 mins)
Thursday - 12:20pm: lunch, rent car, return to campsite
Thursday - 8:30pm: Core sleep (3.5hours)
Friday - 12:00am: wake up, stretch, snack
Friday - 12:40am: Extended nap (1 hr)
Friday - 1:40am: wake up
Friday - 2:00am: Extended nap (3.5 hours)
Friday - 5:30am: catch up with facebook, email, coordinate dinner plans and testing venues, check into hotel
Friday - 1:00pm: Nap (20 mins)
Friday - 1:20pm: unpack, relax, swim, eat, visit with friends
Friday - 7:00pm: Meet local Mensans for dinner
Friday - 9:30pm: Core sleep (3.5 hours)
Friday - 1:00am: wake... etc.
Friday - 3:30am: Nap (20 mins) With a set schedule and reliable alarms, I have finally returned to my polyphasic schedule from here out.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Day 14 - Pre Core
In bed by: 9:00pm
I'm a little late for core sleep tonight after the Mensa folding party and dropping off a friend's car. I began to feel the effects of napping on the bus (I suspect I didn't fall asleep quick enough, therefore the alarm woke me up too early or during REM).
I have been reflecting on these last few weeks and have some interesting (I think) observations and additinoal lessons-learned that I'll share tomorrow... after I go get some good core.
Day 14 - Naps 1, 2, & 3
Nap 1 - Alarm: 3:50am
Ah... nothing beats a perfect nap. I'm not sure exactly what that bump-without-noise is at 3:42am, but I don't think it affected my nap at all.Nap 2 - Alarm: 7:20am
Another perfect nap! What away to end this 2-week adaptation period!
Nap 3 - Alarm: 12:50pm
Day 14 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:00am
Day 13 - Pre Core
In bed at 8:20pm:
Monday, August 26, 2013
Day 13 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 12: 50pm
Perfect Nap! I must be getting the hang of it (and getting lucky with the daytime noise levels). I feel great, have no symptoms, am very refreshed and am still getting lots of meaningful work done for the edX.org class that I'm currently involved in, SaaS 2 (Software as a Service/Engineering Long Lasting Software).
There have been ups and downs, but since nothing too crazy has happened during my adaptation period, I have decided to stop blogging on a per nap basis beginning with Day 15. I do plan to continue regularly tracking myself via the survey, however I haven't yet decided at what frequency I will continue this blog.
Day 13 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:20am
Woot! Perfect nap!It took a tiny bit longer for me to fall asleep than usual, as expected, but using proactive sleeping techniques like:
- regulated my breathing,
- ensuring that the room was dark,
- being completely still
- in a comfortable sleep position, and
- letting my mind wander about,
Strange occurrence though, for the first time, I woke up with our new puppy curled up in our bed for the first time. She was curled up between my knees as I slept half on my stomach, half on my side with my arms crossed under my face.
She must have been a little ninja in getting up on our captain's style bed, because she can't even see on top of the mattress standing on her hind legs and yet she didn't trigger the SleepBot sensors.
Day 13 - Post Nap 1
Alarm 3:30pm
I slept through my alarm (I don't even remember hearing it sounding off) and we woke up at 6:10pm, just in time to get my wife ready and off to work. Also, there was no record in SleepBot of what transpired during that time frame.While I do feel refreshed, I have a thick feeling in my head, not unlike before when I was still on monophasic sleeping, those rare times when I would oversleep on the weekends for 10+ hours after a week of not getting enough sleep.
Even though it is less than an hour until Nap 2, I still plan to sleep then because I don't trust the extra sleep enough to rotect me from possible sleep deprivation symptoms.
Day 13 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:30am
As mention in Day 12 - Pre Core, we set our alarms forward by 30 minutes. Judging by the SleepBot, it would appear that finishing SWS, I began moving around in my sleep roughly every 20 minutes... does that mean that I got 4-5 REM cycles in?When I woke up, I could remember more than one dream (one in which I decided was not very entertaining and consciously stopped it and restarted a new one), saw that I was 30 minutes past regular wake time, and was anxious that I had over slept until I remembered the temporary schedule change.
I also felt "thick-headed" for lack of a better work. For the next 20 minutes, I paced around the house switching on and off light switched in different rooms because I couldn't remember what I was doing, or going to do, or should be doing instead.
After that extended spin-up period, I felt great! and indeed was extra productive all the way up to Nap 1, which I was reluctant to stop for, but knowing that I would only be down for 20 minutes and what the repercussions for delaying a nap can by, deciding that I should go nap was not too difficult of a decision.
Day 12 - Pre Core
In bed by: 9:00pm
Spent the afternoon working in yard and moving our driveway fence line forward 6 feet so that we can open have our front door open all the time allowing the dogs access to the backyard at all times.Day 12 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 12:50
Decent nap that was just a little snafu. Though SleepBot doesn't show it, I could clearly hear a telephone conversation and laughing drifting in though my bedroom windows, and I a fairly certain that I did not fall asleep immediately as I usually do.Day 12 - Post Nap 2
Alarm 7:00am
Perfect nap! Good-timing and uninterrupted, I awoke even more refreshed than after a good core sleep.Sunday, August 25, 2013
Day 12 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 3:50pm
Bam! That's what I'm talking about! Another perfect nap + exercise = more feel good hours for me. : )Day 12 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:00am
Day 11 - Pre Core
In bed by: 8:15pm
Lesson Learned:
Day 11 - Nap 4 (Recovery)
Alarm: 3:30pm (smart)
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Day 11 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 10:50am
Day 11 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:20am
Upon waking I again had a headache, pressure on and behind my eyes, a slight dizziness, vague discomfort, my eyelids were difficult to keep open, and the morning light coming in through the windows was only making my head feel worse.
I hasten my return to the living, I stepped outside, drank some cold water, then did 30 minutes of jumping-jacks, sit-ups, and push-ups. While that cured me of most ailments, it only made the head/eye aches worse...
Day 11 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 3:55am
Start | Stop | Duration |
20:30:00 | 0:00:00 | 3:30:00 |
0:00:00 | 3:10:00 | 3:10:00 |
3:10:00 | 3:30:00 | 0:20:00 |
3:30:00 | 6:40:00 | 3:10:00 |
6:40:00 | 7:00:00 | 0:20:00 |
7:00:00 | 10:10:00 | 3:10:00 |
10:10:00 | 10:30:00 | 0:20:00 |
10:30:00 | 13:30:00 | 3:00:00 |
13:30:00 | 14:30:00 | 1:00:00 |
14:30:00 | 20:30:00 | 6:00:00 |
Day 11 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:00am
According to SleepBot, I was physically active at 9:20, 10:15, and 11:30. My phone had found its was under my pillows, so even though no there does not appear to be much noise, there still could have been sounds coming from outside that caused me to wake up (even higher probability given that it is Friday night).
Day 10 - Pre Core
In bed by: 8:20pm
Great day. Combined two custom ROMs to finally get one working for Kirsten. Also had to manually flash an update to the modem. Sprint Samsung Galaxy S II is not my favorite phone!
Just now feeling sleepy (normal kind) as core sleep time approaches.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Day 10 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 12:50pm
Day 10 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:30am
Lesson Learned:
Day 10 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 4:20am
Day 10 - Post Core
Alarm: 1:15am
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Day 9 - Pre Core
Bed by: 9:40pm
My wife had errands that kept her away until 9, so I decided to stay up with her to keep or schedules aligned.
Learning from our past, with delayed core sleep, we have decided also to push back Nap 1, and hopefully we'll minimize any symptoms that will occur.
Day 9 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 12:50pm
Home and Garden Chores
Day 9 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 3:50am
Day 9 - Post Nap 2
Alarm 7:20am
Day 9 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:45am
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Day 8 - Pre Core
Alarm: 12:45am
A little late getting to core yet again. This isn't ideal, but that's life... And I'm not sleep hurting
I read that most people quit polyphasic sleeping because the world doesn't conform to their schedule, but I never head that unrealistic expectation. I'm sure that less-than-ideal conformity to nap times will eventually be good enough... Either that or it won't. :) We'll just have to find out. :)
Day 8 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 2:20pm
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better.
Read more: http://justgetflux.com/#ixzz2cez6AGLB
Day 8 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:45am
Was helping my wife get out the door for work, so wasn't able to get to bed in time for this nap by about 20 minutes, otherwise, it was a decent sleep with no interruptions.I did however, experienced a SleepBot failure. I was laying watching my phone at 7:24 am, waiting for the clock to change so I could start the sensors and my journey down to REM. When it flipped to 7:25 am, I tapped the screen lightly, but the phone bounced a little on my bed and I ended up rapidly double tapping which, because SleepBot puts its toggled button in the same location, resulted in flashing the [Wake up] button then back to the [Go to Sleep] button.
I noticed that, so I tapped the [Go to Sleep] button again then dosed off. When the alarm sounded, I tapped slid the alarm into the off position as is typical, but my resulting record said 7:25 - 7:25. (I edited it as you see below to get the correct length of time at least). I've notified the developers.
Day 8 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 3:50am
Bam! Perfect Nap. It was on time, no interruptions, awoke refreshed.Too bad I don't feel at 100%. The poor core sleep over the last two days is still adversely effecting me. Perhaps a few more of these and we can put those behind us?
Day 8 - Post Core
Alarm: 12:00am
Perhaps the two hours before bed spent rushing to finish chores and eat are what effected me in this way?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Day 8 - Pre Core
Alarm: 12:00am
Day 8 - Nap 3
Alarm: 1:15pm
I was engrossed with a software project and I missed my nap by 20 minutes. Actually, the alarm to wake me up was what alerted me that I needed to get to bed ASAP. Besides the slightly delayed time frame, everything else about the nap was ideal.For every day that I feel great, I still have this vague discomfort that I don't really notice unless I'm looking for it and is very difficult to describe. Some times it feels like an urgency, or pressure to do something, other times its like a slight headache, or very mild form of tunnel vision. I know that sounds like all different things, but like I said, its just hard to describe.
PS: I really like the current iteration of my sleep survey :)
Day 8 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:00 am
My survey entry was failing to save to the spreadsheet, so I capitalized on that opportunity to redesign the form a little bit. I added section headers and a symptoms checkbox question, then reconnected it to the spreadsheet on a different sheet.
Even with the perfect nap though, that headache that began with pushing my core sleep so far back is still slightly noticeable, but it is not strong enough to warrant any kind of worry or medication.
Missing Log Entries
As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, I created a Google Drive form that captures interesting data about me and my state of mind after each time that I wake up, plus right before I go to (core) sleep. That data is then saved into a Google Drive spreadsheet.
Google warns that if you adjust the format of that spreadsheet or the form, that you can unwittingly break the connection with it to the form, and I did just that on August 14th. So that I didn't have to investigate what it would take to repair the "break", I decided to just create a new sheet in the same document, and connected the adjusted form to that.
Thinking back, around 8:00am on 8/18 I did muck around with creating a new chart in that spreadsheet that helps visualize trends (especially with weight). However, if that broke it, I don't understand why now when I have the spreadsheet open in another tab as I submit an survey, it immediately records correctly.
For now, I will begin confirming the record for each new entry, but further investigation and research into the topic will be warranted if I notice that entries are getting lost.
*Edit 08/20/2013 9:49PM
My survey for Day 8 - Post Nap 2 is not being saved in the spreadsheet, even within the same environment as the Post Nap 1 had worked. I am going to take this opportunity to add a few sleep deprivation symptoms that I have noticed, then re-connect the form with yet another sheet.Day 8 - Post Nap 1
Alarm: 3:30am
Day 8 - Post Core
Alarm: 2:20
I remember waking up early twice, neither in a good way. I think that it was some kind of subconscious anxiety about sleeping through my alarm. Reviewing SleepBot, I can see that happened at 1am and 1:25am.Waking up was fairly difficult this morning; I nearly fell back asleep as I laid in bed after turning off my alarm. After finally getting up I had some pretty intense, sharp pressure around my temples not unlike caffeine withdrawals, that and a severe sensitivity to light.
Most symptoms were gone 30 minutes later, but now that it is 1 hour later, there still persists a very faint, tunnel-vision-esque headache that I really hope disappears after Nap 1.
Speaking of Nap 1 and schedules, we are not adjusting any of the naps times because our core was off by so long. This is because I am beginning to recognize think that schedule consistency will be the key to success in this endeavor.
Lesson Learned:
Monday, August 19, 2013
Day 7 - Pre Core
Alarm: 2:15am
Day 7 - Post Nap 3
Alarm: 12:50
Day 7 - Post Nap 2
Alarm: 7:20 am
I prepared on-time, slept well with no interruptions, then woke easily. I feel healthy, focused, and devoid of sleep loss symptoms, so it's time to get some work (programming) done.Day 7 - Post Core / Nap 1
Alarm: 12:30am / 3:50am
My wife says that at 2am she woke up enough to notice that the [Go to Sleep] button was displayed on her phone instead of [Wake Up], so without checking the time, she toggled that to wait until the alarm sounded.
Lessons learned:
- Changing nap times probably isn't a good idea.
- Leaving your alarm device in the bed with you holds a real potential for accidental failure.
- Sleeping through Core to Nap 1 can give you a pounding headache.