Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 14 - Post Core

Alarm: 12:00am

Geez, what a bumpy night. At least I don't feel completely horrible; just a little dizziness and eye pressure. I hope that I don't develop further sleep dep. symptoms through out today because of this interrupted core.

For the last week or so, laying down for sleep has meant slipping almost immediately into a dream with some degree of lucidity. Lucid dreams aren't by themselves unusual for me, however when I was a mono-phasic sleeper, they usually occurred in (or I only remembered) the last dream cycle.

I think that it is likely that I am so quick to wake up after early REM cycles during core sleep because, while I'm used to lucid dreams only being in the last REM cycles, I'm now experiencing them in the first REM cycles, therefore subconsciously I think that I must be close to missing my alarm and thus wake up once I drop back up to light sleep.

This effect, I imagine, is probably intensified by my recent adaption to nap sleeping; as I am waking after falling up into light sleep after but a single REM cycle characterized by a lucid dream experience. But why I am actually turning off the SleepBot when I do wake up early? I think that is because my phone's clock is set to 24hr display and in that foggy state, I'm not being quick enough to realize that 2200 isn't 2400.

8:30pm - 9:57pm
9:57pm - 10:06pm
10:06pm - 12:00am

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