Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 6 - Post Core

Alarm: 12:00 am

We woke up slightly drowsily, but otherwise with no sleep deprivation symptoms. 

Checking my SleepBot log, I can see that at 9:05pm, 9:27pm, 10:10pm, and 11:38pm, I rustled in bed, indicating when I entered light sleep and the best time for me to have woken up. Perhaps soon, I can start again utilizing SleepBot's "Smart alarm" to detect spikes like these, because even though waking at 11:38pm would have lost 22 minutes of core sleep, if I had been woken up during that light sleep perhaps it would not have been so difficult to roll out of bed?

After reviewing my blog as a visitor would see it, I have decided to revert back to publishing each section as its own post; I think that styling of each heading looks better this way.

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