Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 7 - Post Core / Nap 1

Alarm: 12:30am / 3:50am

WHAT?! Somehow, I slept through the first alarm and didn't wake up until after Nap 1's alarms. I woke up very drowsy, with a dry mouth, and an intense headache that lasted about 10 minutes. I suppose this is one danger of sleeping with your phone/alarm in the bed with you. 

If this happens again, I'll start having to use a spare phone as the alarm, and my main phone as the movement/sound sensor.

Because we pushed the alarm back by 30 minutes, I had created a new temporary alarm in SleepBot. When a non-repeating alarm is created, the checkbox that notifies you that the alarm is set gets unchecked after it goes off. That makes sense (as you don't want it to reset itself if it is non-repeating), however, this means that I don't have any way of seeing if the alarm had gone off at all; perhaps I didn't sleep through it and instead just forgot to set it?

Below is my graph from last night:
Until about 11pm, I would say that everything was normal;  you should be able to see where I entered and exited SWS/REM. At midnight, however, loud rustling noises were detected (not an erroneous alarm, I listened to the recording), but on my wife's graph, there was no sound or movement. Perhaps this was my body expecting to be woken up at midnight?

Looking even closer,  I notice that no new movements were detected after 12:22am, and no new sounds after 12:28am, while I slept until 3:50am. I think that this means that my alarm set for 12:30am went off correctly, triggering sleepbot to stop recording, but then was immediately switch off by something in the bed (my pillow or hand being the most likely).

Here are my wife's Core graphs:
And her Nap 1 graph:
The large amount of noise heard until 10:15pm is just rustling sounds indicating her difficulty in falling asleep right away. The noises at 2am are also just rustling sounds. Also, there is an ambient noise throughout her recording that is caused by her being near a fan.

My wife says that at 2am she woke up enough to notice that the [Go to Sleep] button was displayed on her phone instead of [Wake Up], so without checking the time, she toggled that to wait until the alarm sounded.

Lessons learned:

  • Changing nap times probably isn't a good idea. 
  • Leaving your alarm device in the bed with you holds a real potential for accidental failure.
  • Sleeping through Core to Nap 1 can give you a pounding headache.

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