Thursday, August 15, 2013

Day 3

Post Core - 12:00 am

Core sleep went really well. We were in bed 15 mins early so I was able to read a few pages in a book before turning off the displays and engaging SleepBot at the correct time. There was one spike in movement around 10:10 am.

However, waking up was more difficult than it has been after core sleep, though still not painful. Now that I have been up for nearly 30 mins, I feel relatively normal if not a bit groggy with a little pressure behind my eyes.

Perhaps a cold apple slice is in order? Nope. My wife just served me a tiny plate with a pile of cold grapes. I need to maintain a healthy concentration level if I am going to meet my first deadline; I have SaaS homework due at 1:59 pm (12:59 pm UTC).

Post Nap 1 - 2:50 am

Got to bed 10 minutes before sleep time again, and I think that its making a big difference. I'm being careful to not fall asleep too early, but relaxing in preparation seems to ensure I feel better when I wake up.

Teeth brushing

One schedule that is tightly associated around sleep is teeth brushing, and it needs a bit of consideration. Until adopting polyphasic sleep, I'd brush my teeth once at night before I going to sleep around 11 pm or later. Since pushing core sleep up to 8:30 pm I've mistakenly lost that part of my routine and will have to catch up by brushing this morning and then again before tonight's core.  I'm sure I'll identify more oversights like this, but now I know to keep my eyes open for it.

My wife made an interesting soup out of peas, lentils, and fire roasted tomatoes. Was really good and 1/2 half a bowl each hit the spot right before bed.

Post Nap 2 - 6:00 am

Got to bed 7 minutes before sleep. This its making a big difference. No head ache, pressure behind eyes is almost gone. I tried laying on my my back this time, and my wife said that I begin snoring almost immediately. That's good that I really am falling asleep that quickly, however, the snoring is going to have to stop so back to fetal position I'll go it seems.

Around 10 am I began to feel all the sleep deprivation symptoms, including loss of concentration, heavy eye lids, pressure behind my eyes, and a slight headache.

Post Nap 3 - 11:20 am

Neighbors were being loud near my bedroom window so I decided to try napping on the couch. Would have worked well, except that I woke myself 10 mins into the nap due to a frightening dream. I was aware that I was in the dream, however, there were some dire consequences that required me to wake up. When I refused, opting to wait until an alarm sounded, the floor suddenly fell out from beneath me and I woke quickly from that.

I was able to go back to sleep, but by then I had only 7 minutes left. It was hard to rise with my alarm and I found it very difficult to focus on homework, so I decided to do chores around the house after eating, until about 1:30 when I regained concentration.

Pre Core - 8:30 am

Strange, no symptoms, well except excessive yawning. I only feel like I stayed up a couple extra hours past a "regular" bedtime and not worse. I plan on adding presence of symptoms to the survey tomorrow. I think that it is interesting how they wax and wan.

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