Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 12 - Pre Core

In bed by: 9:00pm

Spent the afternoon working in yard and moving our driveway fence line forward 6 feet so that we can open have our front door open all the time allowing the dogs access to the backyard at all times.

We saved time making dinner by reheating left-overs and adding a delicious salad and steamed spinach from our backyard aquaponic garden, so we decided to enjoy a few episodes of Battlestar Galactica, Season 2 episodes 22 and 23, which ended on an intense cliff hanger. 

Arrrggh! We had just enough time to watch another episode so we did, but episode 24 is another "to be continued", they're about to attack the giant Cylon resurrection ship. It took a bit of will power not to hit next!

Were were in bed in time, but by the time we relaxed and were ready to sleep, it was already 9pm so we reset our alarms. 

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