Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 14 - Naps 1, 2, & 3

Nap 1 - Alarm: 3:50am

Ah... nothing beats a perfect nap. I'm not sure exactly what that bump-without-noise is at 3:42am, but I don't think it affected my nap at all.

Nap 2 - Alarm: 7:20am

Another perfect nap! What away to end this 2-week adaptation period!

Nap 3 - Alarm: 12:50pm

After having lunch with my brother, then dropping seeing him off back to the mainland at the airport, I needed to take a bus over to a car shop to pick up a repaired car for a friend that had just deployed. Luckily it was a 45 min bus ride that should have started at 12:15pm, however buses are always late. 

I was in a comfortable window seat by 12:25, when I realized that if I could quickly fall asleep on that nearly-no-seat-left bus ride from the airport, that I wouldn't even have to change the alarm for Nap 3 and would still wake up within 10 minutes of my ETA.

So I did and it was brilliant. The graph is all over the place with movement and sound (as expected), but as that became the "norm" my body/mind found peace and I merrily drifted off into a comfortable dream about the new Elon Musk idea, the Hyperloop

I was a bit stiff after waking, but I totally avoided all symptoms of sleep loss until about 8:00 when I began to feel the slight pressure behind my eyes again.

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