Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 2

Post Core - 12:00 am

A great start to a new day. I awoke easily and do not feel sleepy. However, my head does feel a bit thick. Its hard to describe; not a headache, but not clear either. I can exaggerate the feeling by violently shaking my head back and forth.

SleepBot recorded significant movement at the following:
  • 0907
  • 1007
  • 1103
To test out the theory that apples wake you up in the morning, I immediately ingesting 1/2 a cold, golden delicious apple and noticed a significantly reduced span of time from asleep to fully awake, not unlike what hot coffee could also offer via caffeine.

Post Nap 1 - 2:50 am

Until this nap, I had yet to successfully prepared for sleep prior to needing to drift away. I was in bed a full 10 minutes before the nap, reading on my phone set to the most extreme dark, warm lights with the free android app, EasyEyez

The result was noticeable. Switching off the display at 2:39 am, I think that I was able to fall asleep within one minute. I even gently woke before my alarm, at a mere 16 minutes into the nap. I decided to lie there until my alarm did go off, but I suspect that I could have simply risen for the same effect.


With very few exceptions, sex is one topic that seems to be missing from other's analysis of their own experience with polyphasic sleeping. My wife and I have been discussing options and possible side-effects and decided that Pre Core or Post Nap 1 would be the best times to engage in sexual activities. Now, of course that is much harder to plan (no pun intended) as predictably as the sleep schedule itself given any sleep deprivation symptoms and their effects on libido; luckily empirical research will not be obnoxious.

Keyboard Sleep Button

In the past, for whatever reason, I have rarely used the sleep button on my keyboard. But now, when I get the notification that it's time for a nap, I have found that being able to tap that and walk away is a really great thing. I'm running Fedora 19 on this box, and not only is the transition to suspension mode nearly instantaneous eliminating light and sound pollution and saving energy, but it also remembers everything about the state of my workspace, including what song I was streaming and where I was in a track. Having zero stress about dropping what I am doing to take a nap is such a big win!


My wife and I have tried both habituating exercising before and after work. For now we have decided to include that part of the day here, Pre Nap 2. Today we did a short 1.5 mile run around a nearby neighborhood and followed that up with a delicious P90X Recovery Drink blended with ice.

Based on advice offerd by The Polyphasic Society, I decided to also cook an egg with Tabasco sauce for each of us pre Nap 2.

Post Nap 2 - 6:05 am

We nearly missed our notification to nap, so we added 5 mins to the alarm. After not getting any sleep again during Nap 2, my wife suggested that I add a survey question that asks about the quality of sleep; what a great idea!

Post Nap 3 - 11:25 am

I did miss the notification to nap this time (but not by much), so I had to add 5 mins to the alarm again. I came out of sleep twice, and checking my SleepBot log, it looks like that was some big noises. Perhaps that's just a danger of trying to sleep during the day. 

I don't really want to wear earplugs to sleep, but I might if this happens again. Most likely due to this interruption, I am feeling pretty sleepy and finding it harder than usual to concentrate on SaaS homework with this slight head ache.

In lighter news, I took Hula Girl (our new puppy) outside and she actual used it where she was supposed to! I'm really looking forward to her being fully house-broken.

Pre Core - 8:30 am

I had dinner ready (salad + home-made teriyaki chicken + steamed squash/broccoli) when my wife returned from buying groceries. Mid dinner, we left to swim in the ocean. Returned to finish dinner, shower, record my face, then sleep.

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